名称 Name | J70700-24/ZF 電(diàn)池极片分(fēn)切机 J70700-24/ZF Battery pole piece slitting machine | J70500-28/ZF 電(diàn)池极片分(fēn)切机 J70500-28/ZF Battery pole piece slitting machine |
用(yòng)途 Application | 用(yòng)于分(fēn)切锂离子電(diàn)池的電(diàn)极材料 To slit the electrode material of Li-ion battery | 用(yòng)于分(fēn)切锂离子電(diàn)池的電(diàn)极材料 To slit the electrode material of Li-ion battery |
原料卷直径 Diameter of the raw material roll | Max. Φ600mm | Max. Φ600mm |
原料卷宽度 Width of the raw material roll | Max.700mm (常用(yòng) usually use 650mm) | Max.520mm |
原料卷内径 ID of the raw material roll | Φ75mm (两端锥套 taper sleeves of both ends) | Φ75mm (两端锥套 taper sleeves of both ends) |
成品卷直径 Diameter of the product roll | Max. Φ450 (宽度30mm以上 width is more than 30mm) | Max. Φ450 (宽度30mm以上 width is more than 30mm) |
成品卷最小(xiǎo)宽度 Width of the product strip | Min. 36mm | Min.30mm |
放卷纠偏精度 Error-correct precision of pay-off | ±0.1mm | ±0.01mm |
切割厚度 Slitting thickness | 总厚度Total thickness 100-350μm, 铝箔Aluminum foil 10-30μm, 铜箔copper foil 8-20μm | 总厚度Total thickness 100-350μm, 铝箔Aluminum foil 10-30μm, 铜箔copper foil 8-20μm |
收卷轴直径 Diameter of the take-up reel | 3′′ (气胀机械滑差轴 mechanical air slip shaft) | 3′′ (气胀机械滑差轴 mechanical air slip shaft) |
同时收卷轴数量 Quantity of synchronous take-up reels | 2 | 2 |
分(fēn)切速度 Slitting speed | 50m/min (连续可(kě)调 adjustable continuously) 正常速度 common speed 5-30m/min | 50m/min (连续可(kě)调 adjustable continuously) 正常速度 common speed 5-30m/min |
電(diàn)源 Power supply | 三相四線(xiàn)式 Three-phase four-wire 380V | 三相四線(xiàn)式 Three-phase four-wire 380V |
分(fēn)切宽度精度 Slitting width precision | ±0.1mm | ±0.1mm |
分(fēn)切极片毛刺 Slitted Pole piece burr | <10μm (涂布层外 out of the coating layer) | <10μm (涂布层外 out of the coating layer) |
外形尺寸 Overall size | 主机 Main machine 2450mm*1950mm*2200mm | 主机 Main machine 2300mm*1950mm*2200mm |