J8008-10/ZF 型多(duō)元件線(xiàn)圈绕線(xiàn)机
J8008-10/ZF Multicomponent Winding Machine
绕線(xiàn)转速 Winding speed | 0~200rpm,无极可(kě)调 |
绕制材料 Winding material | 漆包線(xiàn) |
绕制線(xiàn)径 Winding diameter | 0.05mm~0.35mm |
工位数 Work position number | 等径或变径单元,数量≤30 个 Equal diameter or different diameter, quantity ≤30 |
排線(xiàn)行程 Traverse stroke | ≥200mm |
排線(xiàn)宽度 Traverse width | 0.05mm~1mm |
匝数精度 Turns precision | ±0.5 匝turns |
電(diàn)源電(diàn)压 Power voltage | AC220V±5%,50Hz/(60Hz) |
设备总功率 Total power | ≤1.5KW |
安全标准 Safety standard | 符合 CE 要求 Conform to CE requirements |
设备外形 Overall size | 600X400X400(mm) |
设备能(néng)满足工装為(wèi)塔型(变径)及圆柱型(等径)多(duō)组元件的绕制。 The equipment can meet the winding requirements of many components in tower shape (different diameter) and column shape (equal diameter). |
该设备将绕線(xiàn)机构和排線(xiàn)机构合為(wèi)一體(tǐ),绕線(xiàn)主轴边旋转绕線(xiàn)边沿 X 轴向移动,实现绕排一體(tǐ)。 This equipment combines the winding mechanism and traverse mechanism together. The winding main shaft winds with rotation as moves in X-axis direction to realize the winding and traversing in one. |
该设备的放線(xiàn)机构增加了 Z 向升降功能(néng),从而实现多(duō)组不等经塔型元件的自动跨槽连续绕制功能(néng)。 The equipment adds Z direction lifting function in the pay-off mechanism, which can realize groove crossing continuous winding automatically for different diameter tower shape components. |
该设备绕制工装的设计,在工装基础上增加自动跨線(xiàn)槽,实现多(duō)个元件的连续绕制。 The equipment adds the wire groove crossing on the basis of tooling which can realize continuous winding for many components. |
该设备采用(yòng) CNC 数控系统,根据不同产品及工艺要求调用(yòng)不同程序,操作极其方便。 This equipment adopts CNC numerical control system. It will call the different programme according to the different products and technique requirements. It can operate conveniently. |