Strip Leveling Machine
型号 Model | C783-2/ZF型 | C785/ZF型 | C782型 | C782/ZF型 | C782-1/ZF型 |
矫平辊数 Qty of leveling rolls | 7辊 7 rolls | 13辊 13 rolls | 15辊 15 rolls | 17辊 17 rolls | 19辊 19 rolls |
矫平辊直径 Diameter of leveling rolls | Φ60mm | 90mm | 50mm | 45mm | 12mm |
矫平宽度 Leveling width | 260mm | 1000mm | 600mm | 1000mm | 150mm |
矫平厚度 Leveling thickness | 0.3~3mm | 2~6mm | 0.3~2mm | 0.3~2mm | 0.2~1.0mm |
矫平速度 Leveling speed | 10m/min | 10m/min | 14m/min | 14m/min | 10m/min |
電(diàn)机功率 Motor power | 3KW | 37KW | 7.5KW | 11KW | 1.1KW |
用(yòng)途 Application
This machine is used to level steel plate or non-ferrous plate (thickness 0.3~2mm/2~6mm, yield strength ≤s260Mpa)
设备组成 Equipment composition
It is mainly composed of feeding plate、leveling device、base and so on.
Flying Shear Machine
用(yòng)途 Application
The flying shear machine is used to cut the metal belt transversely and place the slitted belts neatly and stack. This machine has all-digital AC variable frequency speed adjust system, PLC and full hydraulic control. There are single-machine adjustment and all-line automatic operation on the control panel.
主要参数 Technical parameters
1.材质:锡青铜、白铜、紫铜、黄铜、高铜合金(150Mpa≤σb≤850Mpa 5%≤δ5≤50%)
Material: tin bronze, cupronickel, red copper, brass, high copper alloy(150Mpa≤σb≤850Mpa 5%≤δ5≤50%)
2. 原料规格 Material specifications:
厚度 Thickness: 0.5~3.5mm
宽度 Width: 300~660mm
内径 ID: Φ610mm
外径 OD: ≤Φ1800mm
卷重 Roll weight: ≤10t
3. 成品规格 Products specifications:
長(cháng)度 Length: 500~3500mm
最大堆垛高度 Max. stacking height: 600mm
最大堆垛重量 Max. stacking weight: 10000kg/垛 stack
4.成品参数 Products parameters:
長(cháng)度公差 Length tolerance: ≤±0.7mm
对角線(xiàn)公差 Diagonal tolerance ≤±1.0mm
平直度 Glancing flatness ≤3mm
剪切片数 Shear pieces ≤60 pieces/min (按2.0mm,成品長(cháng)度500mm 2.0mm,products length 500mm)
5. 机组工艺方案及参数 Machine technique plan and parameters:
机组方向 暂定从左向右 (从操作者面向机组)
Machine direction From left to right (the operator faces the machine)
穿带速度 Threading speed 15m/min
机组最大速度 Max. working speed 80m/min
开卷最大张力 Max. uncoiling tension 6.8KN
机组开卷方式 Uncoiling way 向上 up
液压系统压力 Hydraulic system pressure ≤12Mpa
机组占地面积 Floor area: 長(cháng)约 Length 21m,宽约 Width 9m,高约 Height 2.5m
机组装机水平及特点 The installation level and features
1. The machine adopts PLC control and has the functions of the parameters setting, monitoring, showing, electric interlock, error warning and so on.
2. The electrical automation system has the safety measures such as the overload protection, the circuit break protection, the emergency stop and so on.
3. The uncoiling and the traction leveling machines use all-digital AC variable frequency speed adjustment. The shear gauge is controlled by the variable frequency motor.
4. The machine uses all-digital AC variable frequency speed adjust system. It is easy to maintain the motor.
80mm Double Winding Slitting Mill(C80035/ZF)

用(yòng)途 Application
This machine is applied to slit the metal belt longitudinally and wind the slitted strips. This machine is operated easily. It can slit in high quality and has high material utilization rate.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
剪切带料厚度 Belt slitting thickness 0.03mm~0.35mm
剪切宽度 Slitting width Max80mm
原料外径 Material OD MaxΦ400m
原料卷重量 Material reel weight Max50KG
剪切宽度 Slitted strip width: Min1mm
刀(dāo)具尺寸 Blade size Φ25mm×Φ60mm×B
切割速度 Slitting speed 15mmin(variable frequency speed control)
切割条数 Slitting strips 12 strips
剪切精度 Slitting precision width ±0.02mm camber ≤1mm/M
收卷内径 Winding ID: Φ80mm
電(diàn)机 Motor 0.75KW
设备净重 Machine net. weight 900KG
150mm Double Winding Slitting Mill(C8005-4/ZF)

用(yòng)途 Application
This machine is suitable for applied to slit the metal belt longitudinally and wind the slitted strips. This machine is operated easily. It can slit in high quality and has high material utilization rate.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
剪切带料厚度 Belt slitting thickness 0.05mm~0.5mm
剪切宽度 Slitting width Max150mm
原料外径 Material OD MaxΦ300mm
原料卷内径 Material ID Φ200mm
原料卷重量 Material reel weight Max300KG
剪切宽度 Slitted strip width Min3mm(0.4mm以下 less 0.4mm)
刀(dāo)具尺寸 Blade size Φ40mm×Φ105mm×B
切割速度 Slitting speed 5~20m/min(变频调速 variable frequency speed control)
切割条数 Slitting strips 12 条 strips(按普碳钢考核 based on plain carbon steel)
剪切精度 Slitting precision 宽度 width±0.03mm 镰刀(dāo)弯 camber≤1mm/M(最小(xiǎo)宽度10mm考核 based on Min. width 10mm)
收卷内径 Winding ID Φ120mm
電(diàn)机 Motor 1.5KW
300mm Double Winding Slitting Mill(C8008-3/ZF Upgrade)

用(yòng)途 Application
This machine is suitable for applied to slit the metal belt longitudinally and wind the siltted strips. This machine is operated easily. It can slit in high quality and has high material utilization rate.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
剪切带料厚度 Belt slitting thickness 0.05mm~0.5mm (有(yǒu)色金属达 non-ferrous metals 0.8mm)
剪切宽度 Slitting width Max305mm
原料外径 Raw material OD MaxΦ800mm
原料卷内径 Raw material ID Φ250mm~Φ520mm
原料卷重量 Raw material reel weight Max750KG
剪切宽度 Slitted strip width Min 3mm(厚度0.4mm以下 thickness is less than 0.4mm)
刀(dāo)具尺寸 Blade size Φ60mm×Φ125mm×B
切割速度 Slitting speed 60m/min(交流变频无级调速 AC variable frequency stepless speed control)
切割条数 Slitting strips 12 条 strips(按普碳钢考核 based on plain carbon steel)
剪切精度 Slitting precision 宽度 width±0.05mm 镰刀(dāo)弯 camber≤1mm/M(最小(xiǎo)宽度10mm考核 based on Min. width 10mm)
收卷内径 Take-up ID: Φ150mm ;Φ250mm
電(diàn)机 Motor: 剪切 slitting 1.5KW;收卷 take-up 2.2KW
设备净重 Machine Net. weight : 3000KG
450mm Double Winding Slitting Mill(New)

用(yòng)途 Application
This machine is suitable for applied to slit the metal belt longitudinally and wind the siltted strips. This machine is operated easily. It can slit in high quality and has high material utilization rate.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
剪切带料厚度 Belt slitting thickness 0.1mm~1.0mm
剪切宽度 Slitting width Max450mm
原料外径 Raw material OD MaxΦ800mm
原料卷内径 Raw material ID Φ250mm~Φ510mm (加增径板 add the diameter increasing plate)
原料卷重量 Raw material reel weight Max1000KG
剪切宽度 Slitted strip width Min5mm(0.8mm以下 thickness is less than 0.8mm)
刀(dāo)具尺寸 Blade size Φ80mm×Φ160mm×B
切割速度 Slitting speed 1 0m~60m/min
切割条数 Slitting strips 12条strips(0.8mm以下考核 based on less than 0.8mm)
剪切精度 Slitting precision 宽度 width ±0.05mm
镰刀(dāo)弯 Camber ≤1mm/M
收卷内径 Take-up ID Φ250mm (卷筒可(kě)手动涨缩 manual swelling and shrinking)
收卷外径 Take-up OD Φ700mm (Max)
剪切電(diàn)机 Motor for slitting AC motor 4KW
收卷電(diàn)机 Take-up motor: AC motor 5.5KW
设备净重 Machine Net. weight about4500KG
设备尺寸 Machine dimension 長(cháng) length 6500mm×宽 width 2500mm×高 height 1800mm
0.8~3.5×670mm Slitting Unit
机组简介 Brief introduction
0.8~3.5×670mm slitting unit adopts AC motor speed control system, PLC and full-hydraulic control. The machine unit is applied for slitting the metal strip, and then rewinds the strip according to the certain winding tension. The slitting speed, the coiling current, the length setting, the single machine adjustment and automatic running control are all collected in the console.
主要参数 Main parameters
1. 生产材料: 紫铜 框架铁铜 青黄铜(σb =150~500Mpa、δ5 = 8-25%)
Material red copper, frame iron and copper, bronze and brass(σb =150~500Mpa、δ5 = 8-25%)
2. 来料规格 Material specifications
厚度 Thickness 0.8~3.5mm
0.8~2.0mm 硬态 hard state σb =250~500Mpa δ5 = 8-15%
2.0~3.5mm 软态 soft state σb =150~300Mpa δ5 = 10-25%
宽度 Width 200mm~670mm
表面平整度 Surface evenness ≤1.5mm/mm
料卷内径 The roll ID Φ500mm、Φ610mm(加增径板 add the diameter increasing plate)
料卷外径 The roll OD ≤ Φ1500mm
卷重 Weight of the material roll ≤ 8.5T
3. 产品规格 Products parameters
厚度 Thickness 0.8~3.5mm
料卷内径 The roll ID Φ400mm、Φ500mm(加增径板 add the diameter increasing plate)
料卷外径 The roll OD ≤Φ1500mm
卷重Weight of the roll ≤8T
4. 剪切技术性能(néng) Slitting technical features
剪切条数及速度 Slitting strips and speed 0.8~1.5mm ≤25 条 strips ≤100m/min
1.5~2.0mm ≤15 条 strips ≤100m/min
2.0~3.5mm ≤8 条 strips ≤60m/min
剪切宽度公差 Width tolerance 0.8~2.0mm ≤ ±0.05mm
2.0~3.5mm ≤ ±0.10mm
带料侧弯 Side bend 0.8~2.0mm ≤1mm/m
2.0~3.5mm ≤1.5mm/m
剪切毛刺 Burr 硬态≤料厚的4%;软态≤料厚的3%
hard state ≤ 4% thickness;soft state ≤ 3% thickness
最小(xiǎo)分(fēn)切宽度 Min. cutting width 25mm
带卷错层公差 Layer offset tolerance ≤ ±1mm
带卷塔形公差 Pyramid tolerance ≤ ±2mm(带卷内外各5圈除外 except for inside and outside 5 rounds each)
5. 机组工艺方案及参数 Process parameters of the unit
机组方向 Unit direction 暂定从左向右 (从操作者面向机组)
provisional direction is from left to right (the operator faces the unit)
作业線(xiàn)标高 Operation line height +900 mm
穿带速度 Threading speed 20m/min
机组最高速度 Max. speed of the unit 100m/min (based on 600mm)
开卷最大张力 Max. tension of uncoiling 6KN
卷取最大张力 Max. tension of coiling 26KN
剪切工作方式 Way of slitting 主动剪切 Active slitting
机组开卷方式 Way of uncoiling 上开卷 up
机组卷取方式 Way of coiling 下卷取 down
机组占地面积 Floor area 長(cháng)约21m,宽约9m,高约2.5m
Length about 21m,width about 9m,height about 2.5m
机组装机水平及特点 The installation situation and features
1. 机组采用(yòng)PLC控制。开卷机、牵引横剪机、纵剪机、卷取机采用(yòng)全数字交流变频调速。
2. 電(diàn)气自动化系统有(yǒu)过载保护、断路保护、急停功能(néng)等安全保护措施。
3. 机组具有(yǒu)工艺过程参数和设备关键参数的监测和报警系统。机组電(diàn)气联锁、故障报警采用(yòng)PLC控制。
4. 圆盘剪上刀(dāo)轴提升及活动牌坊移动均采用(yòng)電(diàn)机驱动,通过调换组合式隔套,可(kě)灵活改变剪切的成品宽度要求。
1. The uncoiler, the traverse cutting machine, the slitting mill and the coiler has the all-digital AC variable frequency speed adjustment. The machine unit adopts PLC control.
2. The electrical automation system has the safety measures such as the overload protection, the circuit break protection, the emergency stop and so on.
3. The machine unit can monitor and display the process parameters and the key equipment parameters. The electric interlock and the error warning uses PLC control.
4. The lifting for circle shears for upper shaft and the active memorial archway are driven by the motor. By exchanging the combined spacer bushes, it can change the width of the slitted products flexibly.
650mm Thin Strip Slitting Machine Unit
1. 用(yòng)途 Application
The machine unit is applied for slitting the metal strip, and then rewinds the strip according to the certain winding tension. The unit adopts AC motor speed control system. PLC and hydraulic control, the single machine adjustments, and automatic running control are all collected in the console.
2. 主要参数 Main parameters
(1) 材质: 不锈钢、紫铜等(150Mpa≤σb≤850 Mpa,8%≤δ5≤40%)
Material stainless steel, red copper etc.(150Mpa≤σb≤850 Mpa,8%≤δ5≤40%)
(2) 原料规格 Material specifications
厚度 Thickness 0.05~0.5mm
宽度 Width 300~650mm
内径 ID Φ610mm
外径 OD ≤Φ1650mm
卷重 Weight of the material roll ≤8t
(3) 成品规格 Products specifications
内径 ID Φ300mm、Φ400mm、Φ500mm
外径 OD ≤Φ1650mm
卷重 Weight of the material roll ≤8t
(4) 成品参数 Products parameters
剪切条数 Slitting strips ≤30 条 strips
剪切速度 Slitting speed ≤180m/min
毛刺 Burr ≤0.02mm; ≤0.03mm
宽度公差 Width tolerance 宽度 width>100mm ±0.10mm
宽度 width≤100mm ±0.05mm
侧弯 Side bend ≤1mm/m
错层公差 Layer offset tolerance ≤±0.2mm(内外各5圈除外 except for inside and outside 5 rounds each)
塔形公差 Pyramid tolerance ≤±1mm(内外各5圈除外 except for inside and outside 5 rounds each)
(5) 机组工艺方案及参数 Process parameters of the unit
机组方向 Unit direction 待定(从操作者面向机组) To be confirmed (the operator faces the unit)
穿带速度 Threading speed 20m/min
机组最大速度 Max. speed of the unit 180m/min(按Φ610mm以上直径考核 based on ≥Φ610mm)
卷取最大张力 Max. tension of coiling 6KN
剪切工作方式 Way of slitting 主动剪切 Active slitting
机组开卷方式 Way of uncoiling 上开卷 up
机组卷取方式 Way of coiling 上卷取 up
液压系统压力 Hydraulic system pressure ≤12Mpa
机组占地面积 Floor area 長(cháng)约16.5m,宽约9m,高约2.5m
Length about 16.5m,width about 9m,height about 2.5m
3. 机组装机水平及特点 The installation situation and features
(1) The uncoiler, the slitting machine and the coiler has the all-digital AC variable frequency speed adjustment and PLC control.
(2) The electrical automation system has the safety measures such as the overload protection, the circuit break protection, the emergency stop and so on.
(3) The machine unit can monitor and display the process parameters and the key equipment parameters. The electric interlock and the error warning uses PLC control.
(4) The circle shear adopts the double eccentric structure, which can adjust the eccentricity manually. By exchanging the combined spacer bushes, it can change the width of the slitted products flexibly.
650mm Sendzimir 20 Rolls Mill
用(yòng)途 Application
650mm 20 rolls Sendzimir Cold Mill is used to roll Max. 1.0mm thickness stainless steel at normal temperature state to the cold rolled strip coils of different thickness and surface roughness.
性能(néng)指标 Technical data
1. 来料规格 Materials specifications
1)入口重卷段 Entry recoiling parameters
材料 Material SUS200、SUS300不锈钢 stainless steel
来料状态 Material state 退火冷轧料 Annealing cold rolled material
宽度 Width 450-750mm
厚度 Thickness 0.08-1.2mm
卷径 Coil diameter Φ508/Φ1000-Φ1800mm (含衬纸 including the lining paper)
卷重 Coil weight Max 12600kg
2)轧制段 Rolling part
材料 Material SUS200、SUS300 不锈钢 stainless steel
来料状态 Material state 退火冷轧料 Annealing cold rolled material
宽度 Width 450-650mm
厚度 Thickness 0.08-1.2mm
卷径 Coil diameter MaxΦ1800mm (含衬纸 including the lining paper)
卷重 Coil weight Max 11000kg
2. 成品规格 Product specification
1) 轧制段 Rolling part
宽度 Width 450-650mm
厚度 Thickness 0.05-0.3 mm
卷径 Coil diameter MaxΦ1800mm (含衬纸 including the lining paper)
卷重 Coil weight Max 11000kg
2)出口重卷段 Outlet recoiling part
宽度 Width 450-750mm
厚度 Thickness 0.05-0.3 mm
卷径 Coil diameter Φ508/Φ1000-Φ1800mm (含衬纸 including the lining paper)
卷重 Coil weight Max 12600kg
技术参数 Technical parameters
1. 入口重卷参数 Entry recoiling parameters
高速段 High speed period Max 190m/min 张力范围 tension range 1.44~14.4KN
低速段 Low speed period Max 110m/min 张力范围 tension range 2.4~24KN
卷筒 Reel Φ508×850mm
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 16.87/10.12
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor DC67KW,0-450-1500r/min, 400V 风冷air cooling
2. 左右卷取参数 Parameters of coiling left and right
低速段 Low speed period Max 180m/min 张力范围 tension range 13.5~135KN
高速段 High speed period Max 300m/min 张力范围 tension range 6.5~65KN
卷筒 Reel Φ500x850mm
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 10.22/4.92
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor DC500KW, 0-362-1200 r/min,440V,水-空冷却 water-air cooling
3. 轧机参数 The rolling mill parameters
工作辊直径 Working roll diameter Φ45mm
第一中间辊直径 The first intermediate roll diameter Φ71.4mm
第二中间辊直径 The second intermediate roll diameter 辊子直径 the roll diameter Φ127.8mm
背衬辊轴承 The backing roll bearing Φ225mm
最大轧制力 Max. roll force 2000KN
轧制扭矩 Rolling torque 11.5KN·M/5.7KN·M
轧机开口度 The rolling mill opening 3.25mm(公称轧辊直径时,轧辊直径减小(xiǎo),开口度增大 when in the normal roll diameter,the roll diameter decreases and the opening increases)
轧制速度 Rolling speed Max 300m/min
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 1
轧机传动電(diàn)机 The rolling mil driving motor DC500KW, 0-362-1200 r/min,440V,水-空冷却 water-air cooling
4. 出口重卷参数 Outlet recoiling parameters
速度 Speed 190m/min 张力范围 tension range 1.26~12.6KN
卷筒 Reel Φ508x850mm
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 12.38
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor DC49KW,0-450-1500r/min,400V
450mm Sendzimir 20 Rolls Mill
机组用(yòng)途 Application
450mm 20 rolls Sendzimir Cold Mill is used to roll the 1.0mm thickness stainless steel at normal temperature state to the strip coils of different thickness and surface roughness.
性能(néng)指标 Technical data
1. 来料规格 Materials specifications
材料 Material SUS200、SUS300、SUS400不锈钢 stainless steel (σb=515MPa)
来料状态 Material state 退火冷轧料 Annealing cold rolled material
宽度 Width 250-450 mm
厚度 Thickness Max 1.0mm
卷外径 OD MaxΦ1800mm (含衬纸 including the lining paper)
卷内经 ID Φ508mm
卷重 Coil weight 8000kg
2. 成品规格 Product specification
宽度 Width 250-450mm
厚度 Thickness ≥0.06mm
卷外径 OD MaxΦ1800mm(含衬纸 including the lining paper)
卷内经 ID Φ508mm
卷重 Coil weight 8000kg
3. 成品厚度公差(稳速段) Product thickness tolerance(steady speed part)
成品厚度 Product thickness(mm) | 厚度公差 Thickness tolerance (mm) | 公差范围内的轧制長(cháng)度保证值 Guarantee value for mill length within the tolerance range |
0.5<h | ±1%h | ≥98% |
0.3≤h≤0.5 | ±0.005 | ≥98% |
h≤0.3 | ±0.003 | ≥98% |
4. 成品板形公差 The sheet shape tolerance: ≦20IU
技术参数 The technical parameters
1. 原料重卷参数 Raw material recoiling parameters
速度 Speed 220m/min
卷筒 Reel Φ508×500mm
张力 Tension 11KN
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 11.3
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor Z4-250-31 DC49KW,0-450-1500r/min 400V
2.左右卷取参数 Parameters of coiling left and right
卷筒 Reel Φ500×500mm
减速机速比12时 速度Max220m/min 张力Max70KN
Speed ratio of the reducer is 12, speed Max220m/min, Tension Max70KN
减速机速比7.55时 速度Max350m/min 张力Max44KN
Speed ratio of the reducer is 7.55, speed Max350m/min, Tension Max44KN
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor Z400-4A,315KW,0-467-1500r/min,440V
3.轧机参数 The rolling mill parameters
工作辊尺寸 Working roll diameter Φ35X517mm
第一中间辊尺寸 The first intermediate roll diameter Φ51X560mm
第二中间辊尺寸 The second intermediate roll diameter Φ90X517mm
背衬辊轴承 The backing roll bearing Φ160mmXΦ70mm
最大轧制力 Max. roll force 1200KN
最大轧制速度 Max. roll speed 220/350m/min
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 1
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor Z400-4A,315KW,0-467-1500r/min,440V
工艺润滑冷却流量(矿物(wù)油)Technical lubrication cooling flow rate(mineral oil) 1800L/min
4. 成品重卷参数 Product recoiling parameters
速度 Speed 220m/min
卷筒 Reel Φ508×500mm
张力 Tension 15KN
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 11.3
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor Z4-250-42 DC67KW,0-450-1500r/min 400V
260mm Sendzimir 20 Rolls Mill

机组用(yòng)途 Application
260mm 20 rolls Sendzimir Cold Mill is used to roll the 0.6mm thickness stainless steel at normal temperature state to the strip coils of different thickness and surface roughness.
性能(néng)指标 Technical data
1. 来料规格 Materials specifications
材料 Material SK5(if 0.6mm, σb≤1800MPa,if 0.1mm, σb≤2400MPa)
来料状态 Material state 冷轧料 Cold rolled material
宽度 Width 200-230mm
厚度 Thickness Max 0.6mm
卷外径 OD MaxΦ1200mm
卷内经 ID Φ508mm
卷重 Coil weight 2000Kg
2. 成品规格 Product specification
宽度 Width 200-230mm
厚度 Thickness Min0.1mm
卷外径 OD MaxΦ1200mm
卷内经 ID Φ508mm
卷重 Coil weight 2000Kg
3. 成品厚度公差(稳速段)Product thickness tolerance(steady speed part)
成品厚度 Product thickness (mm) | 厚度公差 Thickness tolerance (mm) | 公差范围内的轧制長(cháng)度保证值 Guarantee value for mill length within the tolerance range |
≤0.2 | ±0.003 | ≥96% |
0.2-0.4 | ±0.005 | ≥96% |
技术参数 The technical parameters
1. 入口重卷参数 Entry recoiling parameters
速度 Speed Max100m/min (above Φ540 mm)
卷筒 Reel Φ508×280mm
张力 Tension 18KN
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 17.5
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor Z4-225-11,DC40KW,0-540-1200r/min,400V
2.左右卷取参数 Parameters of coiling left and right
卷筒 Reel Φ500×280 mm
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 13.5
张力 Tension Max 65KN
速度 Speed Max 140m/min
传动電(diàn)机 Driving motor Z4-315-31,118KW,0-360-1200r/min,400V
3.轧机参数 The rolling mill parameters
工作辊尺寸 Working roll diameter Φ25-Φ19.5×304 mm
第一中间辊尺寸 The first intermediate roll diameter Φ42-Φ37×372 mm
第二中间辊尺寸 The second intermediate roll diameter Φ72-Φ67×304 mm
背衬辊轴承 The backing roll bearing Φ55×Φ120 mm
最大轧制力 Max. roll force 800KN
轧制速度 Roll speed Max 140m/min
减速机速比 Speed ratio of the reducer 1
轧机传动電(diàn)机 The rolling mill driving motor Z4-355-11,166KW,0-360-1200r/min,400V
工艺润滑冷却流量(矿物(wù)油) Technical lubrication cooling flow rate (mineral oil 800L/min)