TYJ-160 Sleeve Capacitor Core Lap Former (J8616-2/ZF)

1. 卷绕長(cháng)度 Winding length ≦16m
2. 卷绕成品直径 Winding product diameter 最大 Max. Ф650mm
3. 芯管外径范围 OD range of the core tube Ф81~Ф150mm
4. 芯管内径范围 ID range of the core tube Ф51~Ф130mm
5. 芯管最大長(cháng)度 Max. length of the core tube 16m
6. 卷绕芯子(工件)最大重量 Max. core weight 4吨 tons
7. 包扎纸带 Bandaging tape
宽度 Width 90mm
纸卷外径 OD of the paper coil Ф470mm
纸卷内径 ID of the paper coil Ф76mm
平板纸带厚度 Flat paper tape 0.09~0.13mm
皱纹纸带厚度 Crepe paper tape 0.305mm;延伸率 Elongation 55%
8. 放纸小(xiǎo)車(chē)一次可(kě)装纸盘6盘纸卷;可(kě)装铝箔卷1盘
6 paper coils can be installed in the paper seeding car; 1 aluminum foil coil can be installed
9. 纸带张力检测与调整
平板纸带 Flat paper tape 自动/手动调整 Automatically/Manually adjustment
皱纹纸带 Crepe paper tape 自动调整 Automatically adjustment
10. 放纸小(xiǎo)車(chē)的行走速度与主轴转速按工艺要求匹配,叠包率:50%±0.5mm
The moving speed of the paper sending car matches with the rotation of the main shaft according to the process requirements. Overlapping ratio: 50%±0.5mm
11. 車(chē)头中心高 The height of the head center 1180mm
12. 主轴10~240rpm无级调速,有(yǒu)刹車(chē)离合装置
10-240rpm stepless speed adjustment for the main shaft; with the brake clutch device
13. 配有(yǒu)静電(diàn)消除装置,自动消除纸卷表面静電(diàn)
It has electrostatic eliminator which can eliminator static electricity from the paper surface automatically
14. 配有(yǒu)加热辊,最高温度300℃±20℃,自动控温
It contains heating roll; Max. temperature is 300℃±20℃; automatic temperature control
15. 配有(yǒu)烘灯,烘烤長(cháng)度16m,加热管双排26根。距离工件200mm处温度為(wèi)70±5℃
It has the oven lamp with 16m bake length. 26 pcs of the heating tubes in two rows. The temperature is 70±5℃ 200mm away from the workpiece
16. 配有(yǒu)自动激光标線(xiàn),两端定位,距离15m。自动移动范围,左端0-7300mm,右端4200-15000mm;标線(xiàn)重复精度1mm
It has the automatic laser marking positioning in two ends. The distance is 15 m. the automatic moving range, left end 0-7300mm, right end 4200-15000mm; Marking repeatability is 1mm